Monday, January 3, 2011

2010 Mountains and Flowers

The flowers in Colorado were outstanding.

The Jemez in the fall was beautiful this year.

Opening day at Pajarito, January 1, 2011

2010 Hiking with Friends and Family

Hiking in Colorado with Janet near Mt. Princeton.

Burnt Mesa, New Mexico with Marian, Jean, Burt and Janet and John in the autumn.
The largest tree in Los Alamos County is in Valle Canyon, Yvonne, Annette, Marilyn and Kathy are standing in front.

An outstanding trip to Bryce Canyon in April with the hiking group.

Hiking in New Mexico

Annette and I explored the canyons in the South Jemez Mountains, Cochiti, Del Norte and Medio dia. We discovered a ghost town, a private wilderness preserve, tent rocks and beautiful views of the distant Sandias, as well as a dire warning to stay out of a private developement.
We used several maps, and found old abandoned trails and roads to travel on. We hope to bring our hiking group to these places next summer